Commitments as a Board Member
- Rebuilding IVGIDs staff and ensuring we have leaders who are meeting the districts goals and are held accountable, yet feel valued and trusted for their expertise.
- Implementing policies and procedures to ensure are financials are accurate, reliable and transparent so our residents can feel confident in how their money is being spent
- Improving crucial amenities to guarantee the meet our community’ safety needs such as the boat ramp, tennis courts and effluent pipeline as well as their recreation needs such as snowflake lodge and incline beach house
- Increasing opportunities for residents to participate in local government and have their voices heard through town halls, surveys, and public comment.
As Incumbent, how did I work to address IVGID's financials and what could I do better?
Our district's financial challenges stem from a range of issues, some of which began before any current board members took office. When I joined the board in 2021, we were dealing with the loss of our long-standing financial director, who left without well-documented policies and procedures. We also hired consultants to review our internal controls, and I worked closely with the new finance director to update policies and improve our practices. Much of this work occurred in 2022 and early 2023.
However, there have been significant financial setbacks during my time on the board that I opposed, including:
However, there have been significant financial setbacks during my time on the board that I opposed, including:
- Letting go of our general manager, which resulted in a $300K hit to the general fund as well as thousands of dollars in recruitment and training costs needed to address the turnover in staff that left the district alongside the general manager.
- Reducing the recreation fee, which depleted reserves and created additional budget pressures.
- Delaying necessary utility rate increases, which compounded our financial strain. Lesson Learned: In 2021, I did not vote to increase the utility rate. This vote did lead to us running low in utility reserves and I learned the importance of incremental change versus the "roller coaster" effect in fees for our residents.
Forensic Audit Vote
I voted for the Forensic Audit performed by Rubin Brown twice, however, I did not vote for the third increase in funding. On November 8th 2023, the Rubin Brown Audit was unanimously approved for a 3 year look for 110,000 or a 5 year look of 160,000 (found on page 2). I then found out when staff and the board member assigned were working on the scope that the Rubin Brown Contract was up to 350,000 and it had not been brought back to the board for approval. I requested the Board Chair, the Interim GM, and the Interim Financial Director bring back the agenda item for approval and transparency. On January 31st we reached a compromise on price and I made a motion to approve the Rubin Brown Project for a not to exceed $230,000 ( seen on page 143 On May 8th 2024 the board was asked to approve another $70,000 to bring the Rubin Brown Contract to a not to exceed amount to $300,000. I voted against this amendment because I felt as though the consultant had underbid and we should not be increasing our spending because of that
Outsourcing and Privatization
I am against privatizing any of IVGID's assets. I believe it is the board and IVGID's job to maintain the assets for the community and at times expand or improve them when the community desires. In addition, I have voted no twice on the Request for Proposal (RFP) for an outside management firm to come in.
Solutions for Trash by the Lake
This a whole lake issue where partnerships are key as well as learning from past lessons and building on past initiatives.
- IVGID is currently a of Tahoe Water Suppliers Association which is working on the “Drink Tahoe Tap” Campaign which is part of eliminating single use plastics especially water bottles and provide education for residents, homeowners and visitors. IVGID should continue this partnership.
- IVGID should continue to ensure they are not using single use plastics and ensure any food and beverage contractors are also not using single use plastics
- IVGID should partner with the League to Save Tahoe to help with clean up events as well as stay up to date on all of their future initiative.